This Svalbard Rifle course is held in Copenhagen, either at an indoor shooting range, or on a outdoor shooting range. It is a 4 hours Polar Bear Protection Rifle course and the course is planned to teach travellers to Svalbard about rifle safety and how to practical shooting a rifle in Svalbar at Polarbear, for the purpose of getting approval from Sysselmesteren at Svalbard to rent a rifle in Svalbard for Polar Bear protection.
During the Rifle course Svalbard, 110 live rounds will be shot by the student with caliber .308Win or 30.06
The Half Loading procedure from Kings Bays Sports where you can rent a rifle in Svalbard, will be used for each series of 4 shots.
Besides the danish mandatory rifle course, a Svalbard oriented rifleshooting lecture will be held. All shots fired with caliber 308win or 30.06 that is the common size rifle in Svalbard for Polar Bear protection.
All shots will be fired at a Polar Bear Target
We will also practice maintenance and how to fix a stucked Mauser Bolt.
After the course, a certificate for passing the course will be given. This you must enclose as documentation for completed weapon course for rifle rent, in relation to Polar Bear protection when sending application to Sysselmesteren in Svalbard for a permit to rent a rifle in Svalbard for Polar bear protection.
Notice that this course do not give you the permission to rent rifle in Svalbard, that is 100% only Sysselmesteren that can grant that, but this course prove that you have proper practice and knowledge off rifle shooting so you can send the aplication form to Sysselmesteren enclosed certificate from this course as proof for knowledge of using a rifle in Svalbard.